Foley-er Than Thou
Since the recent criticism of the congressman formerly known as the Honorable Mark Foley began, I've been outraged at the denigration of one of the leaders of our Great Society. This is (or was) not just another American citizen, but one of the elite, one of our congressmen, our very own untouchables. These men and women were hand-picked by God for these positions of trust, authority, and domination, and our very souls should be in mortal peril just for uttering their names, much less criticizing their conduct.
Mark Foley was only following in the footsteps of many great, though maligned, Americans of the past: Pee Wee Herman, James I, Caesar, and Jupiter, who not only courted Io, Europa, and Callisto, but also made love to his young male cup-bearer, Ganymede. Who are we to trample on these fine American traditions? Apple pie, anyone?
Whoever said, "Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony," obviously never had a golden shower from one our own congressional demi-gods... or is that demagogue? Oh well, that's power!
And that's all I have to say about that.
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