Habeas Corpus Emptor - Beware of Corpses!
A recent bill that's been signed into law suspends the centuries old rule of Habeas Corpus, which just sounds gross and I think has something to do with necrophilia. Why people want to produce corpses, I don't know, but this article by Roger Runningen at Bloomberg, Bush Signs Law Creating Tribunals for Terror Suspects (Update2) seems to be all up in arms about it.
Now I've seen most of the zombie movies, and there's no denying that re-animated dead people are as much a threat to our way of life as global warming, the decrease in the numbers of pirates, and online poker. Who wants their brains eaten by some crazed, mindless creature, or to have all their money taken online by some crazed, mindless creature. I sure don't. But, I think this smoke screen of zombie-ism is just meant to distract us from an even more serious problem, the signing away of our basic human rights.
A component of the "Corpse" Bill is that our government can now arrest us and hold us indefinitely, without giving us a trial. Then, when they feel like they have time and/or evidence, they can bring us to trial... or not. To emphasize the necessity of this law, while this bill was being signed, more than a dozen people were arrested while demonstrating at the White House, chanting, "stop torture" and other slogans. I'm sure these protesters will be brought to trial for their actions... someday.
In the meantime, watch out for those zombies...
Yeah, but from what I can see those apply to Non-US citizens; it's not like they're people.
Besides, we'd never expand that to include US citizens we don't want to treat fairly...even if we think they might possibly be terrorist suspects (maybe).
Well, they could be.
I guess for US citizens we can just stick to the phone tapping and monitoring stuff.
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